The Catholic Life of the School is focused on the second dimension of religious education, commonly referred to as “teaching people to be religious in a particular way” (Moran, 1991).
The Catholic Life of the School comprises four interrelated components: Religious Identity and Culture; Evangelisation and Faith Formation; Prayer and Worship; and Social Action and Justice. Each of these components, while mutually reinforcing, provides a significant focus on a distinctive aspect of the religious life of the school.
Components of the religious life of the school
Religious identity and culture
All areas of learning contribute to the religious identity and culture of the school. The classroom religion program is not the only learning area that contributes to the school’s religious identity and culture.
Prayer and Worship
Prayer and worship as integral to the life of all Catholic and ecumenical schools and have the potential to nourish the spiritual growth of all members of the school community.
- Classroom prayer in the morning, at lunchtime and end of day
- Christian meditation - stillness and silence, focus on connection to God
- Prayer and acknowledgement of country at the beginning of meetings and gatherings
- Recognising and celebrating everyday moments of people’s lives (eg. birthdays, sporting achievements)
- Weekly whole school Christian Meditation and Gratitude Mondays.
- Students participate in liturgies, masses and penance services related to religious units of work and the liturgical calendar of the Church.
- Family involvement in prayer rituals (Mother's and Father's Day, Grade Liturgies and Grandparents Day celebration.)
Evangelisation and faith formation
Evangelisation and faith formation are focused in an explicit way on the call to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, to respond to it in daily life and to deepen personal understanding and faith.
- Prayer and worship which is focused on the cycles of the Liturgical year, social justice issues and the RE program.
- Policies, practices and structures that promote inclusion and a sense of Christian community
- Regular Religious Education updates in the school newsletter
- Retreat days to develop the spirituality of the staff and students in Years 4,5 and 6.
Year 6 Servant Leadership Program.
Pastoral support team to support the wellbeing of students and their needs.
Connection to the parish sacramental program
Parent Information evenings centring on the Catholic Perspective concerning Relationships and Sexuality in the Health Curriculum.
Catholic Identity, Prayer Life, and RE of the school communicated in presentations to parents e.g. Parent Information nights, Prep Orientation
Parents and wider community invited to prayer assemblies, year level and classroom liturgies
Community Christmas Concert
Social justice and action
Catholic and ecumenical schools work to build the dispositions of empathy and solidarity in students through programs for service- learning, social justice and outreach experiences.
Calendar of Events
| - Families helping families launch
| - Caritas Project Compassion Launch
March | - Harmony Day
- Clean-up Australia Day
- Caritas Project Compassion
- Community campaign as needs arise (e.g. flood, fire, farmers relief)
| - Caritas Project Compassion
- Community campaign as needs arise (e.g. fire, flood, farmers appeal)
| - St. Vincent De Paul Appeal
- Pyjama Day/Staff Soup Kitchen
- Sorry Day (26 May)
| - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reconciliation Week
- Year 6 Mini Fair Catholic social justice charities (SVDP, Rosie’s, Orange Sky)
- Junior rotary-voluntary (over Terms 2 and 3)
- Year 6 Students and Parents Homelessness Immersion Night (including Catholic Social Teaching)
- World Environment and Ocean Days
- World Refugee Day.
August September | - NAIDOC Week
- National campaign anti-bullying
- Social Justice Sunday prayer and focus on yearly campaign/theme
- Community chosen fundraiser and Archbishop’s Appeal fundraiser
- Child Protection Sunday/Week.
| - Celebrate our Feast Day 7 Oct.
- RU OK? Awareness Day
- Year 6 leaders attend Catholic Mission Mass at Cathedral
- Catholic Mission Fundraiser.
November December
| - OLR Christmas hamper appeal for the Parish and SVDP.
- Letters to retired priests.
- Dear Father’ Christmas Letters. Touch base on our Catholic Identity and RE experiences of the year, our school charism, well wishes for Christmas.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Catholic Identity (2023)