Vision & Mission

​​Our Vision 

We are a faith-filled Catholic learning community dedicated to knowing, loving and serving God and achieving excellence in all aspects of learning  (2019). 


Our Mission 

​​​​Our Lady of the Rosary strives for excellence within a Catholic environment fostering each child’s spiritual, intellectual, social, moral, emotional, creative and physical development  (2019).

Our school community provides quality education that empowers each student ‘to Know, Love and Serve.’ 

School Motto 

"To Know, Love and Serve"

Our Motto encompasses all aspects of life. We Know Love and Serve God, others and the environment. We follow the life and teachings of Jesus and we are inspired by the discipleship of Mary, the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church.   

​​The OLR Way

To Know... 
  • We are deeply connected to God, one another and the world in which we live 
  • God loves us always  
  • God wants us to be happy and live our best life – to flourish.  We discover our best self in relationship with God, others, and the world around us.  

To Love... 

  • We greet each other and acknowledge the individuality and dignity of each person 
  • We show respect and gratitude  
  • We live with Compassion 

To Serve... 

  • We always consider the learning of others 
  • We lead by example through our ministry to our community 
  • We live out the Gospel - we are the Face of God.   ​